SQL Server


You may be thinking of upgrading your database soon and have some questions on what SQL Server is.

SQL Server is:
– A relational database management system
– Stores data in tables that can be linked to other tables with keys
– Provides a way for applications to read and write data locally or over a network
– Tools that not only manage data but it also include report writing, data import export, and analysis tools. These are SSRS, SSIS, and SSAS respectively
– Operates using SQL And T-SQL languages
SQL Server also comes in different editions as well:

Features Enterprise Business Intelligence Standard Express1
Maximum number of cores

OS Max

16 cores-DBOS Max-AS&RS2

16 cores

4 cores

Maximum memory utilized per instance

OS Max

128 GB

128 GB

1 GB

Maximum size

524 PB

524 PB

524 PB

10 GB

Programmability (T-SQL, data types, FileTable)

SQL Server Management Studio

Policy-based management

Basic OLTP

Basic security (Separation of duties, basic auditing)

Basic high availability3

Built-in data connectors

Basic data integration (SSIS, designer transforms)

Basic reporting4

Basic corporate BI (Analytics, multidimensional semantic model, data mining)

Self-service business intelligence (Alerting, Power View, Power Pivot for SharePoint Server)

Advanced corporate BI (Tabular BI semantic model, advanced analytics and reporting, in-memory analytics engine, advanced data mining)

Enterprise data management (Data Quality Services, Master Data Services)

Advanced data integration (Fuzzy grouping and lookup, change data capture)

Advanced security (SQL Server audit, transparent data encryption)

Data warehousing (In-memory columnstore, compression, partitioning)

Advanced high availability (AlwaysOn, multiple, active secondaries; multi-site, geo-clustering)

Advanced transaction processing (In-memory OLTP)


Source: MSDN




The “Cloud”

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Responsive Web Design On Blackboard


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Get a Website

design and mobile web services and applications.

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